The best Start-up Kit for large scale RFID implementation! Our Empress™ POE Reader allows simple installation and streamlined network with LAN cable connections. It is most suitable for application covering an entire site or several floors in a building.
[SDK-EMPOE-A]Empress SDK-EMPOE Reader & Tag
$1,980.00 Regular Price
$1,300.00Sale Price
- This SDK includes:
-1 x Empress™ 2.4GHz Active RFID POE Reader (P/N: HKRAR-EMWF)
-20 x Hussar™ 2.4GHz Active RFID Tag (with key chain) (P/N: HKRAT-NT02)
-10 x Garrison™ Rugged 2.4GHz Active RFID Tag (P/N: HKRAT-RT02)
-5 x Garrison™ Responsive 2.4GHz Active RFID Tag (P/N: HKRAT-ZT02)
-3 x Silicone Case for Hussar™ Slim Tag
-3 x Badge for Hussar™ Slim Tag
-1 x CD Disc with:
oXtractor™ – a ActiveX component for Software development, Full version
oDemo / Testing Program with .NET version source code
oUser Manual