Empowering the Future Intelligent Building Process with Embuilded™

We are on the
Pre-Approved List of CITF
Code: PA20-046
CAT.: Technologies: Internet of Things (IOT)
For more, please visit our www.embuilded.com

Offering professional solutions with over 15 years of experiences working with clients from both the public and private sectors
Offering well-proven system with track record with over 80% market share
Building Component Management System (BCMS)
RFID Solution for Construction Industry
Building and Construction Industry Background
About BCMS System
Over the years, Hong Kong has earned a reputation in rapid constructions of quality high-rise apartment blocks and office towers. Specialized construction techniques, such as reclamation and design-and-build methods, have made Hong Kong a regional leader. The local construction sector accounted for 2.7% of GDP by factor cost in 2006. The gross value of construction work performed by main contractors reached HK$92.7 billion in 2007, up 2.7% year-on-year (YOY).
To reduce the high building cost because of high salary, limited land, etc., constructor needs a conprehensive system of comprehensive material tracking and advance building. In other words, RFID is the only solution which uses Auto-ID to assist and organize the whole building process.
BCMS consists of 4 parts:
1. RFID Tags
2. RFID Handheld PDA
3. Web-based BCMS Software
4. Android App
BC may include, e.g.
1. Precast Façade
2. Timber Door
3. Aluminum window
4. Metal Gates
5. etc.

A web-based RFID system for construction
BCMS gives a Permanent & Unique ID to the basic building block precast "façade", traditionally using hand-writing.

Users can access the BCMS as a Web Application or by using handheld readers. It is used for retrieving items'
status information. The system would track the item information, workflow records and reports that are generated
based on the data stored in the BCMS.
Benefits of using BCMS
BCMS incorporates RFID technology into tracking and brings efficiency and accuracy into the building components tracking process.
Providing an identification to each building component
Ensuring qualified building components
Efficiently allocate every building component
Enabling a quick access to QC and manufacturing history by digitizing data
Client and Supplier eligibly access to data server simultaneously
Eliminating paperwork, hence minimizing human error
Systemizing and streamlining entire construction project
Time saving & cost effecitve
Benefits of using BCMS with BIM

Offering a big picture of overall construction project
Monitor every progress of individual part of whole project
Optimize human resources management and materials planning
HK RFID has over 10 years of experience in implementing RFID in construction industry in HK, with our client bases covering all local developers and contractors. This RFID system can easily integrate with the logistics flow, quality assurance flow and BIM, highly praised and recommended by property owners.
For this RFID-enabled building component database system, we provide total solutions including hardware and software, as well as consultancy on how to implement in different construction materials. We are looking for interested overseas partners to promote, offer support and implement the same system to overseas market.
Internet of Things (IOT) solutions are widely used in Construction Industry;
Material quality assurance; test sample ID automation and certificate system for concrete and steel rebar laboratory equipment
Dump Truck AVI (Automatic Vehicle Identification) and RFID token for Construction Waste Monitoring
Lifting gears and safety protection gears periodically checking using NFC/RFID technology
Worker position monitoring in underground or dangerous zone using active RFID
Crane position monitoring using wireless sensors
Corrosion of steel rebar inside concrete and cathodic protection (CP) patch and reference electrode monitoring
Stray current monitoring in underground tunnel using wireless network
Bulky equipment proximity safety for workers; person health-check data-logging/alert for heat stress
Glass curtain wall and prefabricated casting module tracking from production to installation and BIM integration
Building service equipment (BSE) maintenance and asset management; air ventilation pipe, HVAC, escalator, pump, etc.