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Escape Ladder

「搶救大樓梯F36」於1958年6月投入服務。此車由英國丹尼斯車廠製造,採用開放式車廂,最多可載八人;它配備勞斯萊斯V8引擎,只需45秒便可從靜止加速至時速96.6公里 (60哩),最高車速為每小時108公里;車尾設有雙葉輪離心式加壓及往復式抽真空消防泵,附有4個輸水位及膠喉轆;車上配備英國約翰莫里斯父子公司製造的手動輪式逃生梯,可伸展至16.76米(55呎)高的位置進行拯救。F36於1985年退役,為它的光輝歷史劃上句號。


Escape Ladder F36 was put into commission in June 1958. It was manufactured by Dennis Specialist Vehicles in Britain with an open style cabin of eight-seat capacity; it was equipped with a Rolls-Royce V8 engine which could deliver 0 to 96.6 km/h (60 mph) acceleration in only 45 seconds and its maximum speed could reach 108 km/h; it had a rear-mounted double-impeller centrifugal booster pump fitted with a reciprocating primer, 4 water outlets and a hose reel; it was equipped with a manual wheeled escape ladder manufactured by John Morris & Sons Limited which could reach a height of 16.76 metres (55 feet) to carry out rescue operations.  F36 was retired in 1985, marking the end of its glorious history.

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